dimarts, 16 de juny del 2009

that disasterous sound...

Esta es una entrada culpable. Una entrada culpable porque mañana, nada más y nada menos que dentro de ocho horas, tengo que entregar un trabajo clave y todavía no lo tengo terminado. Para más inri pierdo estos preciosos minutos para escribir alguna cosa.
Bueno, tan sólo dejo esta pequeña gran canción de la gran, inconmensurable, Stevie Nicks.
Seguramente contiene alguna de mis citas preferidas. La actuación que hace la GRAN GRAN en Red Rocks es uno de esos momentos históricos del rock, aunque quizá tampoco hacía falta que se hubiera esnifado media selva colombiana. No obstante, es uno de aquellos momentos de drama y barroquismo ochentero que me encantan. Siempre he tenido un cierto gusto por la decadencia.
No sé, es una de aquellas canciones en las que, aunque no te sientas identificada con el personaje, simpatizas profundamente con él, lo excusas, lo interiorizas. Todos hemos dicho alguna vez: "well I play to hard, but still I'm not tough enough".
Aunque la verdad, creo que a mi nunca se me ocurriría ser tan taxativa y decir: "if you tell me one more time, baby take it easy, well you won't see me ever again". Por otro lado, "come around, tonight indecent" es una de esas cosas tan peliculeras que uno siempre fantasea decir con un tono un poco a lo Rhett Buttler.
I was just that old
That August dark, dark day
Swear that you never saw her face
Swear that you never heard her say
No spoken word
No small command
What was it she wanted
They say she had everything
No spoken word
No small command
What was it she wanted
They say she had everything
What shall I do
What shall I say
Should I say
Who...all the things
That I'd like to say to you
No spoken word
No small command
What was it she wanted
They say she had everyting(Let's make a deal here)
Ooh, for one night
Well baby, you fill the night with the wind and the rain and the water
Oh, for one night
Well, just for one night
You know that...well that...
Disasterous sound
Now it will make me wiser
He says, and it will make you look
She says, look out...I don't know how to learn
From the pages of a book
Well I either say too much, or I...I don't say enough
Well I play too hard
Still I'm not tough enough
What was it she wanted
They say she had everything
No spoken word
No small command
What was it she wanted
They said she had everything
Ooh...come around tonight indecent
Well...Ah, ha...come around
Tonight, indecent...baby well,
You fill the room
With the rain and the wind and the water
If you tell me,
One more time
Oh baby, take it easy
Well, you won't see me ever again
Some people walk down that darkened street
With the faith of a child
And so go the faithless
But after awhile, she says...

No spoken word(Let's make a deal here)
No small command
What was it she wanted
They said she had everything(ooh, I don't want to know about it...)

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